Looking forward to market season? No need to wait - the winter heirloom market is still happening!
Spring greens will be showing up in the next week or two!
The Heirloom market is every Saturday at the Missoula County Fairgrounds through April 27 from 11 AM - 2 PM. In the Floriculture building.
Get your raw sauerkraut, 6 flavors of kombucha,
coffee, sausage, salted meats.
Get your
chicken duck turkey eggs, gluten free breads, cookies and pies, sweet potato scones
Chocolate caramel pretzel sticks, pecan clusters, pepper plants and garden herbs.
Dried and fresh
mushrooms, garden seeds, dried lavender and oils.
Fine jewelry! Costume jewelry, arts and crafts!
Come one come all! Support your
local food movement!
*Discounts on eggs, sauerkraut and kombucha for bringing back usable cartons, or Ball jars.