My cloths
dryer died. I'm not too sad about that as my
solar dryer has been up and running for a good while now. All I have to do is keep track of the weather so I don't have to dash out to "save" my washing or bring it in from a third, unintended "rinse" cycle.
However that old dryer is taking up some possibly usable room in my house. I really don't want to just haul it out to the curb for trash or pay to add it to the nearest
land fill. I most certainly will NOT do what some around here do and just haul it out to the back of my land and leave it or dump it in the nearest, most hidden creek. I could get a friend to help and haul it off to the
local metal recycling business or even try to
sell it, as is, as a fixer upper. Trouble is I am also fairly sure there are uses that all it's bits and bobs could be put to on my approximately 15 acres of land here in North East Texas.
As far as I know the thing is still quiet usable as is and could likely be fixed if I could find a timer for the particular make and model that I have. BUT as the old cloths line works so well, why bother.
Anyone have any suggestions? Know of web sites I could check out? Videos on You Tube? Any idea's would have to be simple as I'm not much of a mechanic, have few tools, can't weld, and only really know
enough about electricity to change batteries and
light bulbs. I am fairly good at taking stuff apart. It just might never go back together right when I'm done with it.
Thanks in advance for your help.