My boss and job is allowing me to live "anywhere in Europe". Better still, I have approx. one month working away and one month off to work on
permaculture. I also speak basic Spanish -
enough to survive in a community, not enough yet to bond strongly. I am funded, but not yet to a scale of buying a house in cash at UK prices.
Likewise I am looking to buy my first home. I have been living out of a suitcase for years now and I really ache for somewhere to call home. I cannot do
permaculture alone. I need a community and I want to buy into this. This is where it gets difficult.
I have found projects offering the LLC option with shares for purchase and I have found some so far south where the heating problem is not an issue. However I am suspicious of such arrangements at the price on offer. Perhaps it is because I am British that I just have to "own" the
land. Hopefully I can move beyond this one day but I am not yet ready for that jump.
Thus, I search for anywhere that simply has small parcels of land for sale around a shared area.
If you are likeminded please get in touch. I believe this is a very in demand thing. I know of plenty of projects outside of Europe on cheaper land where an investor is purchasing the land, subdividing and providing leadership for a well deserved
profit at western prices... but I can see no
project on in Europe.