20 years ago, I felt that the only
answer to this was to work two jobs - both paying really well, save up and buy a piece of
land that was mysteriously cheap (only to later discover why it was so cheap - but that's a different story for another day).
My path .... my weird path ... has exposed a buffet of options.
- join an
intentional community
o costs are split between all community members
o usually doesn't work out
o I am trying to come with solutions so it is more likely to work out
- rent land on an existing homestead that has similar values
o trying to do this at my place now
* put out podcasts so people can learn my values
* ant village
deep roots
permaculture bootcamp
* other people are exploring doing something similar with slightly different values
- elderly homesteaders are looking for people to will their land to
o they just need somebody worthy
* they seem to find a lot of people that turn out to be unworthy
* the SKIP program is an attempt to bridge the "worthy" gap
What are some other ideas along these lines?