Dan Love wrote:Hey Sydnee, I have a homestead, off-grid type property that I am setting up in NE Arizona. I am from California myself, but moved out here a while back. I am a 38 year old male, I do remote work, and live pretty simply. Send me a message if you are interested in want to chat,
I do Celtic, fantasy, folk and shanty singing at Renaissance faires, fantasy festivals, pirate campouts, and other events in OR and WA, USA.
RionaTheSinger on youtube
Riona Abhainn wrote:On ic.org the Foundation for Intentional Community has a good communities directory which can tell you your options in those areas so you can start there and research them and hopefully visit and see what's a right fit. There's also an advert for a cabin for rent in one that isn't listed in the directory, on the same website in the classifieds section, a primal living cabin with few modernities.
Additionally, the Inside Community podcast, also accessible via the ic.org website, did an episode recently on there, episode 021, in which the guest mentioned her community she lives in, which is on the Illanois river and doesn't appear in the directory on the website. And the host of the show herself, Rebecca, and her family are founders in the newly forming Terra Lumen community in Winston OR, which doesn't appear in the directory yet either because its in the forming stage, but there is land already.
I hope some of these options are helpful for you.
Dan Love wrote:I travelled around Northern California for a while. The people are cool up there, but there really isn't much in terms of community, it's mostly hostility from the locals. It's definitely a dying dream up there. AZ I like through.
Dan Love wrote:I travelled around Northern California for a while. The people are cool up there, but there really isn't much in terms of community, it's mostly hostility from the locals. It's definitely a dying dream up there. AZ I like through.
This is all just my opinion based on a flawed memory
Ben Zumeta wrote:As a Prescott College alum, I am wondering where in Arizona this post monetary labour bund has gained a foothold.
Ben Zumeta wrote:As a Prescott College alum, I am wondering where in Arizona this post monetary labour bund has gained a foothold.
Northern California is bigger than most states, especially if the LA definition of “anything north of San Luis Obispo” is applied, so I cannot speak for all of it. Up here in NW CA, Del Norte County, it has been called “Calabama”, or “Caltucky by the Sea”, which has some truth to it for better and worse. I do not know of any post monetary communities down here I can recommend, by we do have a growing Wild Rivers Permaculture Guild full of nice, generous and intelligent people with varying skills, means and properties. We are happy to help how we can. We are currently providing permablitz work parties several times a year for fellow members, school and community gardens, and philanthropic organizations’ campuses. We also host events at the Crescent City Food Forest (I believe weekly volunteer workdays are still Tuesday afternoons) and elsewhere.
We will be having a Seed and Plant Exchange at the Del Norte County Fairgrounds, March 16th, 2024. This will include workshops and kids activities. This may also be a good place to meet people in the area that could help you find what you’re looking for.
Good luck!
This is all just my opinion based on a flawed memory
Mary Egan wrote:Hi Sydnee-
I am on the North Coast in Humboldt County. I don't know if I have exactly what you are looking for but i do have a situation with lots of possibilities. if you are vivisting nearby you could check it out, I am new to this site and don't know how DM works- if you do- please send a message so we can talk more about my place.
Easter Esparza wrote:Your basket backpack is super cute! Where did you get it?
Fire me boy! Cool, soothing, shameless self promotion:
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