Yeah, I am really getting the itch to get out and prune, it just FEELS like the right time! I guess I was just looking for some validation that others are feeling the same way.
Mine also get covered in leaders and suckers as well, so I am with you there, constantly trying to keep them focused in the right direction.
apple tree is pretty amazing, but the pear tree is a hot mess. I think it had 6 pears total in year one, I cut it back almost entirely, and last spring it exploded, so I am really inspired to do some design pruning this year, and take advantage of the new growth.
We also just opened up the
canopy around our plum trees so I need to clean them up before they bud out. There was a mature box elder crowding them that we took out, so they are all kinds of messed up that I need to analyze how to fix.