Hi Anne, it's always good to hear when people are happy where they are. I am becoming happier where I am, as it happens. Making peace with the people whom i have allowed to irk me back when I didn't know I have a choice. On the
Permie aspect, three people gave me plants from their gardens recently which were offered, not even asked for! They are all
native / adapted and, though there are too many names than I can remember at the moment, I got them in the ground and am looking forward to seeing if they will stick around for a long while, or less-long.
Maximillian sunflower that grows 8-10' and will provide forage for pollinators, and shade for one West-facing window.
Sunchoke, which I became more interested in after watching an Australian Youtuber's video about them. Funnily
enough, the person who gave me the plants advised that
asafoetida is necessary to help reduce the accompanying flatulence-- a side effect the Youtuber mentions that I have completely forgotten. (I love artichokes, and was distracted by an imagined future of getting to grow mock artichokes.)
*Side note: it was also said that the traditional Ayurvedic treatment for colicky babies is a little olive oil and asafoetida, rubbed in the baby's belly button.
Pass it on. (!!!) I mean, seriously! Why has that been hidden from the world that
colic is caused by gas pains?!
I have visited to West Texas, briefly stopping for an overnight in a couple of places. On my list for must-see is Big Bend.