The Bee-friendly Beekeeper presents a very compelling case for a much more bee-centric approach to keeping
bees. fortunately for us, hive management that is more in line with honeybee welfare as David descries it also turns out to be much easier for the beekeeper.
The Bee-friendly Beekeeper focuses on the People's Hive, a vertical top bar hive developed by Émile Warré after trying out over 350 hive designs. central to Warré's design are both the absence of frames and placing empty boxes at the bottom of the hive rather than on top as is commonly practiced with other common hives. central to the management David describes is allowing natural swarming, which is also quite contrary to more mainstream
beekeeping practices that involve going to great and frequently gruesome lengths to suppress swarming. I was particularly taken with the photograph of the bicycle trailer David uses to harvest boxes and otherwise access his apiaries. it's a clear demonstration that the careful analyses of environmental impact of various beekeeping practices in
The Bee-friendly Beekeeper aren't just hot air.
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