At first, I was hoping that I could plant a Nikita's
Gift persimmon, but most sites have its lowest zone as 6. Upon doing more reading, I came across the Rosseyanka which is supposedly hardy down to zone 5. I live in Vermont, in the Champlain Valley near Middlebury, more specifically, and although I have some straight American varieties planted, I would really love to have a cross. I was wondering if anyone has tried to grow a Rosseyanka in zone 5 and whether you baby it at all with wrapping/insulating in the winter or if you can just let it be.
This winter (so far) has been very mild. The weatherman said it hadn't gone below zero yet this year, although I thought I remembered a few nights where it had. I don't know it this is a fluke or if this will be the new normal, but either way, we are a true zone 5, and I wouldn't want to invest the time and money and have the tree die from cold. I would appreciate it if anyone who actually has or has had a Rosseyanka in a zone 5 climate (preferably in the northeast) would chime in. Thanks, in advance!