Hi, all.
I've got a male and two female varieties on order which
should be arriving sometime in May (I'm in zone 4). LFD is first week of June. So I've still got a bit of time to modify my planting plan.
My goal is to use these plants in part for their nitrogen-fixing capability between the other fruit
trees and shrubs in my fruit orchard, but also to harvest the berries.
As such, I'd like to space them out a bit among the other fruit trees and shrubs but I want to make sure the pollen from the boy plant can still get to the girls.
My question is for those of you who've grown seaberry/sea buckthorn: what's the farthest distance you'd risk planting the males and females from each other and still hope to get decent pollination?
In my orchard it's looking like the male will be about 16 feet from one female and about 12 feet from the other female. Each one will be in a separate row with the male plant being in the row between the rows with the female plants.
Thanks in advance for your input!