Hello there,
We started an edible garden in an urban green area. The starting point was a meadow characterized by a high diversity of spontaneous common herbs (plantain, dandelion, Bellis perennis, Crepis sp, various Gramineae and many others.
The idea is not to disturb the soil (like by plowing or hoeing) thus we started planting other edible plants (aromatic herbs, annual and
perennial veggies) by simply making "a small hole" for the seeds or the seedlings in the areas around the fruit
trees we planted (trying to develop some sort of fruit tree guilds).
To your opinion, is this a meaningful permacultural approach in such a context to start an edible garden?
The spontaneous plants grow very fast and some become quite tall so we produce quite a bit of green mulching (we use scissors and a hand mower for the cutting). Is it ok to leave it all on the ground as is, once cut? Is there the risk that we get overwhelmed by more aggressive spontaneous gramineae or even mud as we continue somehow disturbing the “original” meadow by cutting, mulching and stepping?
The areas planted are quite wide (1.5 to 2.5m radius around each tree).
Thank you for your suggestions!