Sharing wisdom to help observant people pass the Gom Jabbar/ Final Global Parole Test (Prison/Trap Analysis Part 1).
A prison, a trap, and a filter are three aspects of the same instrument. For example, an air filter also function as a trap and a prison. When contaminated air comes into the air filter, the dirty particles and pathogens are trap & imprisoned in the filter; while the clean air molecules are allowed to pass through. Prison for violent criminals also function in a similar way as a trap & a filter. Both convicted guilty criminals and falsely convicted innocent people
are sent to a prison. But by virtue of their innocent behaviors while in prison, the falsely convicted innocents will qualify for a parole; and are allowed to pass out of the prison/filter via a parole/escape mechanism. While the truly violent criminals are kept trapped and imprisoned there.
How do we know that Earth is a prison planet and not our home? Ask yourself a very simple question. "Why do we have to pay to live on a planet we were born on?" Humans are the only species on this prison planet that have to pay to access food, pay to access shelter, and pay(visa/passport) to be allowed to travel on a planet that they were born on. The birds, the fishes, and the land animals freely access the food they need. They freely built their
shelters anywhere that is convenient, and with no restrictions; and they built them with free access to the natural resources around them. They also can freely travel without having to pay for it. How odd that we human as a species
who are supposedly more intelligent, more evolved than all the other animals on Earth, and yet we have so much less freedom than they do? The only other environment with restriction to resource access and restriction to movement is a prison environment.
If innocent, gentle & peaceful people are being priced out of existence because of rising food prices, rising cost of living & rent, rising taxes & land prices; (a subtle form of extrajudicial killing of innocent human beings). What is the solution to this crime against humanity? What is the remedy for this cruel & horrific injustice? Why stepping up to help innocent, gentle & peaceful people to achieve parole/escape from this prison environment of course!
Note the lyrical clues:
"You've been a prisoner, baby
Been a prisoner all your life
Held captive in an alien world
Where they hold your need for love to your throat like a knife
And they make you jump
And they make you do tricks
They take what started off as such an innocent heart
And they break it and break it and break it
Until it almost can't be fixed
I don't know how hard it will be
But I know...
You will go FREE!"
To escape from any prison requires 4 components: knowing the layout, understanding the routines, and help from the outside or inside. This wisdom is made freely available to everyone on this penal colony/prison planet from sources such as the following video. The fourth component was not mentioned in the narration, but is depicted in the video; taking the leap of faith (i.e. the will to take action to escape)
We start first by helping innocent, gentle & peaceful people learn the layout of this prison planet. Similar information can also be found on the United Nations Security Council Mural... hint, hint.
Since a prison is also a trap. Let's examine the trap design features in more detail; so innocent, gentle & peaceful people can escape unharmed. All traps has three main components; a trapping/imprisoning mechanism, a lure/baiting mechanism to draw in the intended targets, and an escape mechanism to allow the unintended targets to escape (i.e. the parole mechanism). Sometime, a trapper can trigger a trap on themselves by accident. That is why all traps are designed with an escape mechanism, so the trappers can release themselves.
For example, Federal and states laws require that trap such as lobster traps or fish nets must be equipped with escape rings or escape rectangles, to allow unintended targets like small fishes and terrapin turtles to escape.
Since Earth is a penal colony/prison planet, it also functions as a filter/trap, and has a parole/escape mechanism built into the global prison structure.
Clues of the "parole/escape mechanism" from ancient literary sources:
"To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These are the words of HIM who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What HE opens no one can shut, and what HE shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name." -- Revelation 3:7
" And Jacob had a dream about a ladder that rested on the earth with its top reaching up to heaven, and God’s angels were going up and down the ladder." -- Genesis 28:12
The following two music videos provide clues to a "golden ladder"; a parole/escape mechanism.
Take note of the lyrical clues:
"There's a man going round taking names
And HE decides who to FREE and who to blame
Everybody won't be treated all the same
There'll be a golden ladder reaching down"
-- Johnny Cash
Sure sound a lot like members of the parole board visiting a prison to interact with/interview the inmates, to determine who qualifies for a parole and who doesn't.
In the second video.... Note the ladder placed next to the "41" code. This video showcase the desired behaviors that would qualify the inmates for a parole off this penal colony planet, via the golden ladder.
Clues of the "parole/escape mechanism" can also be found in the Native Americans "The Pleiades (Ojibway)" legend.
Note that this was part of the [films for the humanities & sciences] collections; to benefit and help mankind.