We have 8 acres mixed animals on fertile temperate New Zealand
land. Average 5C minimum in winter - some frosts though!, We get 1000mm of rainfall (about 40 inches) a year - dry summers, but we have access to good unlimited bore
water that went fine during the worst drought in 50 years. We have a mix of goats, sheep, pigs,
chickens and
cattle. Grass growth slows in winter, but does not die. We are putting in forage
trees and vines to help deal with the winter and mid-summer lack of grass growth. Apart from some grain for the
chickens, would we get more calories per acre by planting either wheat or sugar beets or by just managing our pasture well, and cutting
hay in the times of increased growth?
I can't find a calorie per acre yield for pasture (I know it would differ according to rainfall) but surely the pasture and forage crop would increase at similar rates with improved fertility.