My own favourite version of "compost tea" is to take worm castings from my worm farm, put them into a watering can, and then part fill with a firm spray from the hose in order to "liquify" them. To this I sometimes add
urine, fish emulsion, seaweed solution, or even blood and bone. I'd suggest you could do the same with compost, though I do believe that the
boost of additives (especially nitrogen) would be of benefit.
A more traditional version is the old drum with a lid to which you add a bag (such as hessian or shade cloth, tied and tethered at one end) full of weeds, compost, manure, etc, a dash of urine, and
water, seal the lid and leave to ferment for a few weeks and then apply diluted (1prt tea to 9prts water is generally a safe bet, though use the colour of the resulting brew as a guide, better to always be on the cautious side initially till you find the brew your plants prefer). Be warned, the smell can be a little...nasty.