Hi Tim, thanks for your
books, videos, and time to contribute here.
I have a medium size
pond, about 1/2 acre and 15' deep that I completed last spring. It is stocked with rainbow trout and is thriving. It froze over for 3 months this winter, and stays under 70 degrees through the summer. We have inflow from a diverted mountain stream.
At this point, I am interested in increasing the biodiversiy of this pond, but do not want to add anything that will increase turbidity, such as crayfish, ducks, grass carp. I have a second, smaller pond downstream than I plan to add these types of animals to in the future.
We planted waterlilies along one shoreline this spring, and have a good cover of vegetation along the pond banks.
I have been thinking about Yellow Perch as a good addition to the trout pond. I believe they could eat the same pellets as the trout, and have similar
water needs. Any thoughts on suitability of this? I hear Yellow Perch would likely spawn in the pond, and make for tasty eating both for me and my trout.
Floating vegetation islands, to grow lettuce and such are another scheme of mine, just need to find the time to put towards a
project like this.
Are there any other species combinations that you have found good with rainbow trout? Our water isnt clear and cold
enough for brook trout, and brown trout dont seem to be of any real benefit. I understand that folks ussually keep a trout pond simple, but my love of biodiversity wants to find a good mix of species that would complament one another.
By the way, me and my boys were just delighted watching your
pond video that showed the trout farmer in Vermont netting trout out of his pond, baiting the fish with pellet
feed. Awesome sight! A great technique I need to master.
Thanks, Adam