There is a number of topics that mention these plants and their fruits, and even two badges:
foraging and
natural medicine, but I thought we could discuss the uses and health benefits of these leaves.
My personal reason is that I finished a round of antibiotics just last week, and I have some nasty rash since two days; looks like allergy or sun burn or I don't know what. It's a stressful time at my work which might be the reason for all that mess.
Anyway, I thought of growing more of these plants already last year, hoping they will survive the dogs, snails and other misfortunes. Wild blackberries volunteered into my garden (they got some badass thorns!) and I bought a few varieties of raspberries. Two of them grow like crazy in my "forest garden" area and three are struggling in a too dry/too sunny spot... so I have some replanting to do.
There is a great diversity of
Rubus L. varieties, which includes raspberries, blackberries and many microspecies of them.
The most popular use seems to be a tea made of dry leaves.
Can they also be used fresh for a tea?
For example, my mulberry leaves are very different when brewed fresh, dried taste much better.
Are there other uses, like fresh leaf compresses for example?
Attached a picture of one of the happier raspberries, which is growing very fast despite the frostbite that killed its first flowers this spring.