It looks like your plum tree has some form of gummosis or canker. This problem is extremely common on stone fruits in the Pacific Northwest. It can be caused by a number of factors, including sunburn/heat stress ("southwest injury"), bacteria, fungi, borers, etc.:
I see this problem all the time. This year I've seen it on a couple of peach
trees. The heat wave we had earlier in July stressed out a lot of trees and made them more susceptible to this problem. Too much rain and poor drainage can also be a factor in some cases, particularly in the spring.
First, I remove the gummy deposits with a clean knife and throw them in the trash. (Do not
compost this stuff or leave it in the orchard/garden.) Then, using sterilized tools and alcohol, I remove all the dead branches or ones that have a lot of damage, burning the diseased
wood and sterilizing the saw and pruners after each cut with alcohol. If there are gummy deposits on the main trunk, I clean the area down to clean bark or wood and then a few days later I paint over the affected area and the entire trunk up to the first branch with white latex paint. Then I mulch the tree with compost/manure/chips and give the tree a foliar feeding by spraying a seaweed/fish product on the leaves. Compost tea is excellent, too. This strengthens the tree and helps it resist the fungus or bacteria that caused the disease. Hope this helps...
Good luck!