I have owned my home for about 15 years now and never really took much interest in the garden. Recently my wife took some initiative in getting a basic garden going with a couple of fruit
trees and a variety of leafy greens. After taking a handful of things out of my
yard and putting them in my mouth I'm hooked and now want to know everything that's going on in my yard. On to the question.
What is this? I cut it to nothing in May with the intent of removing it in favor of something I knew, but it has come back with a vengeance. Its leaves turn gold with age and the stalks will start to tie themselves in knots when the sun starts to get scarce.
Roots are wide spread and apparently shallow, but not so shallow that I can get below them:). There are a few starts growing from the spread out roots, but they aren't so aggressive.
I'm thinking this may be a great
compost source, but I'd like to know what else it's good for.
My Google fu is weak, please help.