I got 20 oz of sassafras extract bottled this week. I LOVE this stuff!
Here's the proceedure:
Dig the
roots while the
trees are dormant - now is a great time. I like to dig right after a rain. Scrub the roots really well with a stiff brush to get any dirt off. Don't worry if some of the dark bark comes off too, you want the cambrium that lies between the outer bark and inner core anyway. I bring my hand pruners and clip off branches to make peeling easier. Then I use a sharp pocket knife to basically "whittle" the bark off the core. Really small roots can just be cut into small pieces and split in half to expose the sap.
I do my best not to rinse the bark after i have peeled it because you lose some of the flavor. You'll feel it as a slickness on your fingers. I use Everclear for my base because it has a high
enough alcohol content to allow me to put the fresh bark in it without worrying about spoilage. I put as much sassafras into the Everclear as it will hold - it won't hurt if some pieces stick out of the liquid. Then I stick it in a dark place for 3-4 weeks, shaking when I remember. The Everclear will turn brown like vanilla and smell strongly of sassafras.
I usually strain out the
root and add another batch using the same procedure before I bottle the extract in cleaned out A-1 bottles from Dollar Tree. That's pretty much it! I substitute it for vanilla in pretty much everything. Oh, and it does stain both skin and fabric, so be aware...