Shooting from the hip, I would say not ready.
Why? There is still a lot of undecomposed
carbon. Sticks and bark and such. You would ideally like that to all break down into crumbly dark goodness.
How to get the pile to finish? Add nitrogen.
Pee would be great. Or mix in some poultry manure. That should create the proper Carbon-to-Nitrogen balance for the compost to finish.
Minor note, but the pile looks a bit wet, which can cause the pile to cool off prematurely. Hard to tell from the pics, but the material should be damp, not wet. If you squeeze a handful and any
water drips out, it is too wet. Based on the moisture levels, in an ideal world, I would prefer poultry manure over pee, but you may need to use what you have.
Adding a good compost starter, such as a bit of quality finished compost, or good garden soil, or best of all some Biodynamic preps, is always a good addition. It is not too late to add an innoculant at this point, though in the future, if added at the beginning, it will help the pile to finish more quickly and more thoroughly.
good luck!