The theme of Week three of the
Permaculture Smackdown series is:
Saturday, January 11th at 10 AM Mountain time.
Join Paul and his guests live this coming Saturday to learn all about hugelkultur.
What is hugelkultur?
"Hugelkultur is nothing more than making
raised garden beds filled with rotten
wood. This makes for raised garden beds loaded with organic material, nutrients, air pockets for the
roots of what you plant, etc. As the years pass, the deep soil of your raised garden bed becomes incredibly rich and loaded with soil life. As the wood shrinks, it makes more tiny air pockets - so your hugelkultur becomes sort of self tilling."
Bring your questions and comments!
If you want to be part of this live call, ask questions and get in on the chat, you will want to get some pie.
When you buy pie, you will get the link to join the live call.
We might give the recording out for free a few weeks after the event.