Alex Hamond :Welcome to and our sister site, ! And a big Welcome to our Rocket and
Wood stoves Forum Threads. With over
18,000 fellow members you will always find someone here that wants to talk to you about what you want to talk about !
Actually you have quickly grasped many of the key points of hydronic heating and went right to the heart of the system the 1st 10' - 12' of the horizontal
Exhaust pipe, and clearly you have given running the system as a low pressure system with safeguards some serious thought !
However, shutting down the circulation pump with a fire in the
Rocket Stove can potentially trap water that could flash to steam because you created the
very same condition you were working to avoid !
You could hardly avoid this trap, as a working hydronic Heater has so many interconnections that need a successful integration within a system that works
best by being frequently attended to maintain a fire for ~6~ to ~8~ hours to provide ~20~ to ~24~ hours of heat stored within your Thermal Mass.
The fact that a
Rocket Mass Heater R.M.H., can not be safely operated with a damper to control draft, as a conventional
wood stove can, means that due
to operator error a fire can be maintained at the very time that any failure to keep circulating water through the system, like a power outage, can lead
to an accident.
Please use the search feature found in the permies toolbox from the top right of this page, and enter 'Boom Squish' in the google search engine and do a
google search within Permies. Read the
Thread comments by ether Ernie or Erica Wisner ( Stewards for these Forum Threads ), they can explain the
issues clearly and with fewer words than I Can ! Hope this helps a little, keep coming back !
As always your comments and Questions are solicited and are welcome ! Think like fire, flow like gas Don't be the Marshmallow PYRO - Logically Big AL !