Not intentionally, no. We do have quite a few apple seedlings popping up as volunteers in different places in our forest from apple cores we threw out. They seem happy
enough so far, but most of them are just one year old or so.
One thing I thought about that might make your situation challenging for apple trees in particular: hickories are in the walnut family, and release some amount of juglone. Plants in the
rose family, including apples, are supposed to be sensitive to (large quantities of) juglone. On the other hand, I've heard that some people have successfully grown apples and walnuts close to one another, so maybe it's more like a solitary apple tree in the middle of a forest of black walnuts will die.
I'd say go for it! Apple seeds are free, so sow a lot, with the highest degree of genetic diversity you can find, and let evolution take care of it. Some will likely survive. And please tell us how it turns out! Shade tolerant apple trees would be awesome.