Thanks guys - I'll give the transfer a crack.
My thoughts at the moment go something like this:
Snip all the surrounding branches away so I can get to the colony properly.
Trim the far end of the branch, leaving 12" or so to hold.
Cut the supporting branch and lower the colony into a sturdy
cardboard box.
Close box + tape seams
Wrap in a big sheet and move to the back of the car
Once home, place box inside the perone hive
Open box and cut as much cardboard away as possible, leaving the comb supported by the remains of the stick and box. They can build more comb just including the stick and box into the structure.
Put lid on and walk away
Feed, Feed, Feed
Sound reasonable?
Questions then - will they cope taped up in a box at night for a few hours, or do I need to provide ventilation for them? I've moved hives before without worrying, but only over shorter distances.