I have three Chinese geese free ranging on about a half acre of grass. As a 'watch and wait' experiment I weed wacked half of the
lawn and left the other half be. The grasses that the geese seem to prefer are the ones that are short and grazed regularly along the driveway and road. They also love to eat the tall grass seed along the road - but they seem to have pretty decent common survival sense and I haven't lost any to automobile yet. They also know where home is. They come when called. They can be a bit annoying at times because they are so social. They also get very loud.
Anyway I was going somewhere with that sort/long grass experiment. Ah right. So the grass I kept long, they didn't eat it all summer but now that the heat has cooked off the tall stems and the almost fall rains have started they are loving the new growth which is coming up under the long dry stems. So basically I feel like I was holding that grass in reserve for them. I'm excited by this since I've thinned my
nettles this past week and found plenty of green grass just waiting for some more light underneath them. I am hoping to encourage grazing rotation through natural crop rotation!
I have had my geese about 5 months. I don'
feed them. They steal food from the
chickens (whom I have to feed) on occasion - but they are great looking birds - super large and super healthy looking to my eye. I hope that helps. I'm no expert on geese by I'd be happy to share more observations and personal experiences if you have more questions