Still looking for my permaking over here. Sold the farm because I got too lonely. Ready to buy
land and farm again but vowed I wouldn't do it alone like last time!
I'm not a super hippy type, which
permaculture seems to tend to attract. I'm more of a farm girl. Honest, intelligent, down to earth, fun and boy do I love fruit
trees. I love adventure and I'm a fruit crazed fruit explorer. When I take vacations, it's to go find/see/taste new varieties of fruit trees, which is super fun. Hawaii and Borneo are on the list of future fruit hunting places.
I don't do drugs or alcohol, just not my style. If you do copious amounts of either, you're probably not my style.
I'm pretty much an introvert, but I'm one of those types that will talk forever when I'm interested in it (ie fruit trees,
permaculture, livestock, farming in general...)
Oh, the details. I'm a 22 yo, athletic girl with long brown hair. I'm not a newbie... I've homesteaded for a while (moved out in the woods when I was 19) and built my own house back in the day on my former farm.
If you're into the same stuff, under 30 and male, give me a shout.