If you want to avoid the cold and snow.......
Come co-create YOUR Intimate Solstice Festival
Dec 17 (06:00 am) -22 (NOON) 2013
Laughing Gecko Campgrounds
Dentro de Finca Amanecer Eco-commUNITY
Londres de Quepos, Costa Rica
Celebrating in harmony with Nature and Neighbors
Calling all artists, musicians, dancers, healers, visionaries
Calling all Shamans, yoga teachers, hula hooper, fire dancers, aerial silk, bring your talent and CREATE. Can you lead a sweat lodge on the full moon? Would you like to learn PanEurhythmy- a dance of higher consciousness at sunrise, yoga in the Bamboo Cathedral, music under the stars Friday night, drumming circles and ceremony on Saturday night.
Following the principles of Burning Man we ask each person to be responsible for themselves. PLEASE bring instruments, your own tent, food and utensils, personal care items. Share your food, talents and JOY.
Costs: 1 day ACTIVITY pass $10 ; Multi-day pass $25.00 includes camping and all activities . MEALS: bring your own, pass "the magic hat", donate to a central kitchen.
https://www.facebook.com/events/440135846086977/ Directions: fincaAmanecer.com/maps.html
laughingGecko.cr@gmail.com TEXT 83384010 VOICE 2779-1123 Skype: askelena1
Video from Burning Spirit Festival:
Vendors? It's the Holiday Season!! Our “Shift 2 the Gift Economy" asks Vendors to gift your time. Please come early to help create the space, or create something to GIFT TO the space.
Please remind EVERYONE to GIFT, especially to the musicians, the healers, workshop leaders, and all those who are are gifting their talents to the festival. Tis the season to express our GRATITUDE!
Bring lots of PV lights and candles..... let your LOVE light shine.2013 Winter SOLSTICE Festival (and good dark chocolate)