Right Now the only source I can find on Trompe Air Compressors and on Air lift
Water pumps is
Hydraulic Engineering by Gardner Hiscox*
(hydraulic in the old sense of the word, Water power),It contains a single chapter on Air lift pumps and little about the Trompe Air Compressor.
The only place I have found copies for sale is through Knowledge Publications $19.95 U.S.D. (
www.ush2.com Find water power in the -
left hand side index and click on) But it comes with an unconditional money back guarantee !
There is also-
Compressed air: Its production, uses, and Applications by Gardner Hiscox, available thru Alibris books or Amazon books.
Some reprints have dropped 70 pages of this book, for the same general price 25-30 $, I would go with University Press of the Pacific !
Caution G.D. Hiscox also compiled
Henleys formulas, it is possible in this day and age my typing his name is
enough to get this old
retired Soldier. on an F.B.I. or N.S.A. watch list !
Let's see who can add something to this list, Mines and Mining Engineering,
should turn up something !
*Don't be confused and get Hydraulic Motors, I don't think that will help! For the Good of all things Permies !
Think like Fire, flow like a gas, Don't be the Marshmallow! as always, questions/comments are solicited and Welcome Pyro - Big AL