I can't get a certificate of occupancy here in Ohio unless I have a septic system, furnace etc. I was thinking I could get a permit to build a small 1000 square foot building. It could be considered a barn in their eyes. Build it to code with proper footers etc. I can get electric service to the structure if they consider it a barn type structure. After it is finished and the code folks sign off and leave, then I could add the composting toilet,
rocket mass heater etc and live in it. Here is my question. What happens if they find out I am living there? How could the code folks "make me sad"? Would the county auditor get involved? Is there a differerent tax evaluation on an property that is occupied and one that is not? Any ideas on what my chances are on trying to live the simple life without getting harrassed? Also, how can they prove that I live there as opposed to just stay there occasionally? Thanks for any help.