Thanks for invoking the Holzer thread!
If it works, I bet there is strong evolutionary incentive for not hanging out and eating around the grave sites of your kin. I know Anthrax travels in carcasses and can live in soil for many many years. I am loathe to abuse two
cast iron pots for an experiment...
I am 6 miles north of town. It is patchy forest (40%) and field (60%) with some intact creek corridors, zoned 5/1 rural residential, only slightly diconnected from major corridors like the Nisqually River Valley, which connects to the central cascades.
Forage hit hard if not protected on our
Apple, Amalanchier, Chinese hawthorne, Aronia, Peach, Mt.
Ash, Willow, Pear,
Rose, little Ribes sanguineum, Note the love of Rose family!! In the garden BEANS BEANS BEANS. Beet tops,
Notable no-nibbles: Vaccinium, Ribes cultivars, Diospyrus
In the wild when following deer they have commonly cherry picked legumes... Vetch, Clover, Lupine. I think they look for protein.