Matthew Hobler : you still have time for your
Rocket Mass Heater, though you need to decide whether you want it tied into the ground as a further heat storage area
where you want your chimney ? on the lee side if possible (but where is the lee side, today- and yesterday- and- )could you look at
local trees and tell? you probably
should keep a chart, especially if in the future people will be coming to you for advice !
The only other rule is, the RMHs
Feed Tube should be located in the very heart of the home -which is what hearth originally meant, not just an architectural definition!
It does Not have to start and end attached to an outside wall.
Those are the big ones, think of the Cob Bench as Warm built in furniture ! you have time for all the rest !
Ill. is cold
enough in winter to make an interior chimney a good idea, and will prevent many drafting problems ! For the Craft ! BiG AL !