Jason Nicoll wrote:
Should I be concerned about any residual chemicals still in the soil underneath 30 cm (1 foot) deep sheet mulch?
Would it be safe to grow vegetables on this land? If not, then what can be done to remove the blight?
Even as we sit here, wondering what to do, soil fungi are degrading the chemicals that were applied. As long as the sheet mulch is well aerated and the fungi can breathe, they can metabolize all that was put down there. I wouldn't start out with
root vegetables right away, fruits on long vining plants are the least likely to pick up a residual molecule from a foot deep. Start out with tomatoes or cucumbers, then move to the leafy green vegetables, and after you are satisfied that they are fine, then you can try some carrots and turnips.
And in the meantime, if you get flushes of
mushrooms popping out of your mulch after a heavy rain, that's a good indicator that chemicals have been broken down.