My mom (Evelyn) and I live on 20+ acres in Stevens County and one of our gilts
had 12 piglets, we let them run around and free range
it is pretty safe here, we also have goats and chickens/guineas.
chickens and guineas were here a year before they also
completely free range. The
chickens and guineas have taken to
roosting at night on the top of a pallet
fence and I did notice they
were piling up a large amount of poo. I noticed before that the piglets
were eating up a lot of the chicken/guinea poo around so I decided to
get into the gated area where the pile of poo and clean it before they got into it.
I got my poo shovel and opened the gate before I could get in there company came by and I chatted
with them for about an hour. Welp I forgot to close the gate and when I went back
to clean up the poo I found the pigs ate it all.

. I mean that HOVERED it clean!
Can the piglets get sick or a disease from eating the
chicken poo?
Someone at the extension office once told me that you
should not house chickens in your pigpen cause
they can give the pigs Coccidiosis. Is there anything I need to worry about them eating all that
That was like two months ago. Its about time to butcher one and I am reluctant to eat it lol.
Thanks for any help on this
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