Don't be ascairt. Fear is a state of mind, often propagated by your parents, the government and mean people who want to control you. I know I'm speaking as a male of the species, but I've bred two women. One is a black belt, pistol carrying denizen of Atlanta's Southside and the other is just plain old scary...We're talking Taliban scary. Both have really nice hair. You need to take control of your own mind. Be fierce and nobody's patsy. Acquire the skills that make you a force and not a victim. You can't fear trivial things such as death, as it is inevitable. The rest are only opportunities for advancement. I support the right to bear arms and German Shepards, but I insist on the proper qualifications to bear both. Like my Grampa used to say, "Suck it up buttercup, help ain't comin." If you can't handle it, don't do it.
I fear being alone in the woods with children. Esther's the bravest one here, lemme tell you what.