Tina Wolf wrote:
C Simpson wrote:I wanted to see if folks out there have any recommendations on how to start keeping bees. ...
The trick is sifting through all the "books" as you figure out how you want to keep bees. Personally, they are pollinators to me. So, I don't rob the honey. I took a class that included installing a nuc in a new hive. They froze to death the first winter. "Keeping Bees With a Smile" by Fyodor Lazutin showed me how to build my own horizontal hive with 4" thick insulated walls to protect them from the elements. My bees survived a zone 5 freeze for days and thrive here in 105+ degree humid weather here in Texas. I hope you and your bees thrive!
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Jay Angler wrote:I'm betting the vintage washing machine will work forever! I'm also betting that there's something wrong in the electronics of the modern washing machine and parts aren't available.
Hubby is trying very hard to keep our 35 year old machine working because he's sure any new one won't work for so long!
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