It seems that in spite of the fact they are the biggest animals on the continent, African elephants don’t like bees. They go out of their way to avoid them.
Despite their thick hides, adult elephants can be stung around their eyes or up their trunks, while calves who have not developed this thick skin could potentially be killed by a swarm of stinging bees.
Now some clever scientists from Oxford University have come up with a natural way to keep crop-raiding elephants away from human settlements. They made a fence out of beehives................
marina phillips wrote:
That IS really cool! I wonder if this is behind the "elephants are afraid of mice" idea (or is that true? I haven't a clue.). African honey bees have a rep for being more aggressive, is that true in your experience?
With normal honey bees you can hide under water. Seems like you just have to out-run these ones.WHAT SHOULD YOU DO IF ATTACKED?
· Africanized bees are slow fliers and most healthy people can out run them.
· Run away in a straight line, protecting your face. Avoid other people, or they too will be attacked.
· Do not try and hide underwater. The Africanized bee swarm will wait for you to surface.
· Seek medical attention. Some people are allergic to bee stings causing anaphylactic shock. Since Africanized bees attack and sting in great numbers, it is possible that an allergic response may be triggered.
The whole article is quite interesting.ATTEMPTS TO STOP
Entomologists in Texas are working hard to track the northward spread of Africanized bees. The bees are tracked with traps. Usually these traps are nothing more than cardboard boxes covered with blue protective plastic, hung in trees. The traps are baited with a liquid similar to the pheromone that directs a swarm looking for a home. In Texas, more than 1,200 bee traps have been set along hundreds of miles of roadway. European honey bee sperm is inserted into a Africanized bee queen. The queen is then released into the wild. Scientists are hoping the injected Killer Bee queen will produce less aggressive bees and pass the gene to the offspring. So far, not enough queens have been released into the wild to determine if this plan will be successful.
Cyara wrote:
Just got to be a solution for raiding monkeys too! :-
Yes. Is neat. Even when I watch TV I figure I am seeing places. I love to travel... see how people live and think about life.Jennifer Smith "listenstohorses" wrote:
Yes electric fence would make me feel better if I were you too. So looking forward to photos. This is great, I will never travel but I can see the world anyway.
Untrainable... too fast... and practiced and clever thieves... expect you to be angry but just run and swing from tree to tree.I had put some thought into the monkey thing and came up with an air rifle, a bb gun, and training them like I did the the horses at my parents as a child.
Monkeys are no fun. I will win. To be honest wish I could find a win-win solution. Wouldn't mind growing lots and sharing a bit with them... but they raid and damage.The horses had it in for the trees so when I put them out I hid and spanked them when they started in on the trees.
At the place in alabama we had an alligator problem but was not a problem for me. I just threw rocks often and rode my horses anywhere on our place I wanted. Alligators and horses do not throw back.
I decided to pass on the mango plantation after all. Now I am looking out my window at snow instead.
I heard someone say should catch one and paint it white... that scares them... but I don't know if I could do that... even if I knew how to catch the critters. Bit of a love-hate relationship. They are so human-like in their behaviour it makes it difficult. The little ones fight like children and scream when being disciplined or even groomed cos don't want to sit still... stuff like that makes it conflicting to deal with them.What about leg hold traps? cruel maybe ... wonder what a screaming monkey would make the rest do ... might under size them, like big mouse traps, will not kill or maime but hurt? Something they can get off eventually. Rat traps placed about?
The guy on my one side has an electric fence up so that would help... and when he is home with his dogs he has no monkey raiding.... but no neighbours on other sides.marina phillips wrote:
Wow, chelle. The monkeys make the worst deer pressure that exists in the states sound like a cake walk! A deer would never come in the house and poo on things. Geeze. Good luck. Do you have any shared property lines with a neighbor? Perhaps you could convince them to share cost of the fence, since it would fence off their place too? Dunno....sounds like a tough situation.
Ihave had a little success with the rubber snakes... so will buy more. But I keep wondering when they will work out that not alive...Jennifer Smith "listenstohorses" wrote:
And the rubber snakes work better on some chickens than others. Some are better hunters and are more agressive than other chickens... some even attack small snakes I hear. But yes it workes well on my sissy chickens.
I have culled any agressive roosters out years ago.
They do that here with pumpkins that have a hand-sized hole... and pumpkin seeds. The farmers do it to catch baboons. It really is funny! As you say... too much food here. But worth remembering... one day could be useful. Hadn't realised they had used it on monkeys... but... why not?!!marina phillips wrote:
I saw a monkey trap where you put a piece of fruit into a hole that's big enough for the monkey to get his open hand in, but too small to get the hand holding the piece of fruit back out. I don't really know how this would translate into something that would help your situation, but it sure looks funny to see a monkey with his hand in the hole, refusing to leave because he wants the danged banana and won't let go. It would work in an area without any "easy gets" fruit, but at your place it sounds like they think you grow fruit just for them.
keep an eye out for scorpions and black widows. But the tiny ads are safe.
Heat your home with the twigs that naturally fall of the trees in your yard