Hi Sean,
I'm jealous - it looks awesome!
One thing about thermal mass storage is that you need to have it contained inside your greenhouse in some way. So, for example, you could put some straw bales behind the earthen part. Then you would roof in the rest of the earth so the heat would be stored rather than transferring to the rest of the dirt or outside air. The
Chinese build these kinds of greenhouses.
A way to store even more mass is to use black metal barrels full of water. They tend to stay above 32 degrees F because of freezing, so they can help keep your greenhouse from freezing.
One common temptation in aquaponics is to build an awesome greenhouse, then have your whole system be basically exposed to the inside air. This is a big mistake. The most important layers of insulation and air sealing are over/around your tanks and grow beds. Much - perhaps most - of your heat loss comes through
enthalpy losses, not just convection. Controlling these losses are crucial.
I wish you luck! Love to see how things progress.