"Glad I put 1/2" foam insulation around their hutch"
I really hope you put it out of their reach, because if they can reach it , they will eat it. From when I did research on and for a short while raised meat
rabbits, I found as long as they had a roof over head, to keep out rain and some shielding from the wind, they were fine. Most rabbits tend to love the cold,
it's the heat you have to worry about. If you are still worried you could get them a small box and fill with
hay. I use to use the ones the half gallon juice
containers came in, 6 to a box. Save-a-lot and Aldis stores usually have
alot of those types for the taking. Yes they will eat the hay, but you want to give
them that anyway. And yes they will chew/eat the box, but mine usually took a week or longer to do so, and I was going shopping on a weekly basis, so no
biggy. Some actually left the boxes alone, but I would still replace them bi-weekly anyway, as they deficated in them .