Hi Michael, I think I know and appreciate what you mean. Your Bosnian and German experiences are ones not many of us here in America can relate to, and are very important lessons to learn from.
I've always been in favor of emergency preparedness, though folks can come at it from a variety of view points.
You have:
--religious folks, preparing for the apocalypse
--peak oil folks, preparing for the collapse
--Y2K (remember that?) or other doomers of one kind or another preparing for takeovers or collapses or economic depressions
--municipalities and community groups, preparing for natural disasters.
I think it's incredibly smart to be prepared for no water, no food, no electricity if only due to natural disasters. I live in earthquake territory. Earthquakes happen here. It makes sense to be prepared. Even if you think about being laid off for a long stretch of time, having food stores put by and finding alternative energy strategies helps with that, too.
cooking and food preservation forum covers how to can, store and preserve food without any energy. There is a lot of info already there. (Duck prosciutto comes to mind and make me drool just thinking about it!)
Rocket mass heaters and
solar systems are in the
alternative energy forums already, along with tons of other highly useful off-grid and grid supplement ideas.
That's only a couple examples. I think most of the other components of emergency preparedness can be found here except perhaps, as Paul said, some of the primitive skills, though there's definitely already some wildcrafting info.
I do have a concern that talking about emergency preparedness could easily veer off into lots of political and religious posturing and postulating about what "is" going to happen and when. I'd rather quietly shift my habits where I can, and learn as much as I can, without entering into those heated, very volatile debates.
What permies are learning and trying and doing is, in many or most cases,
exactly what is needed for emergency preparedness. There is so much, in fact, that creating a separate forum for it would be redundant, IMHO.