I haven't found anyone in the 4 corners states yet that has fruit trees that I want, so I've been going mostly to Cummins, they are doing a custom grafting order for me. Also a little bit from Fedco and Raintree. Happy with all of them. I figure getting a tree acclimatized to our coldness is most important. The growers on the Pacific Coast want to ship too early for us anyway.
The hard part is that the east coast nurseries are more tuned to acid soils, where mine are alkaline and some things just won't grow regardless. I'm going to order some stuff from Lawyers in Montana this spring, but they
sell only in larger quantities. And Badgersett for nuts, but now we are drifting into experiments in my locale.
I remember looking at
Tooleys Trees, a nursery in NM, but I they didn't have anything I wanted at the time. Looks like they have some peaches this year. If you find another option, do tell.