Matu Collins wrote:Looks like amaranth to me.
Do you plan to use the land to grow anything in the future or are you just observing what happens?
When you say the land hasn't been messed with, do you mean it hasn't been mowed or it hasn't been used to grow anything, or no chemicals have been applied? There are so many ways that people mess with soil!
From what I've been able to find out, it's just been sitting since the 60's. It might have been farmed before that, but I don't know for sure. I drilled a well last year, but have not dropped in the pump or mounted the
solar panels yet. I have everything here, but the pole. I will need to buy that down there because of the size. This area looks different than everywhere else around here because there is no mesquite to speak of & lots of wild flowers.
I've planted Mesquite, Palo Verde (Freezing to the ground), Mexican Bird Of Paradise, & Jujubes. I'm taking 7 large Jujubes Thursday to plant. For 2 years, I've been planting & watering every 6-8 weeks. Except for the Palos freezing, I'm running @ 100% success so far...knock on
wood. The only other issue I'm having is the loads of Locusts in the summer. I've been trying to get something (Pioneers?) going & continue to expand out, mulching big time as I go. I think the ground will work & that I could stop watering the
trees that have been in the ground for a year.
One of the Jujube trees...