alan stewart :You are the new kid in the
class so testing you on the stuff we did last week is not fair ! However you raised some points, last one first !
Refractory materials work by reflecting some of the heat
energy they are exposed to- Back into the heart of the fire. With firebrick that has a high %
ofAlumina-Silicatesthe higher the temperature the fire brick gets, the higher proportion of heat energy it Reflects or Refracts back into Your Rockets
combustion chamber.
Refractory materials surround by good insulation helps bring up the temperature of our burn to the freaky high temps that makes our Rocket so efficient,
AND does it ''More Quickly ''. Not what we want when we are trying to absorb heat energy!
So here is my question, If it was 75F when you covered your
Rocket Mass Heaters RMHs
Feed tube and went to bed, and it was 68F when you got up, and
62F when you got home how long will it take you to make a fire ?
Answer not very long as your system is holding lots of heat, and it will draft well right
from the start !
It took you 5 minutes to start a fire and 20 minutes later the roar of your own personal house
dragon that lives in every
RMH is a little softer, you check
and yes it will take more and bigger
wood, and the internal glow of the Refractory bricks lining your burn tunnel are already changing from dull red to
cherry red !
Next question requiring a fast,correct answer

-Mother Nature does not grade on the Curve !
Your Tea kettle you have plumbed into your system starts to whistle, How do you safely remove heat from your Water Thermal Mass and how are you
going to to replace it,
Extra credit for knowing what to do when the power goes out !
There is an automatic prize if your whole family knows the correct answer, they do not take part in the lottery to see who gets excluded from the gene pool
You have a good imagination and can grasp ideas intuitively, keep plugging at this, the problem is there is no way to turn off the Heat which within the core
of your Rocket can easily see excursions to 2400dF ! As you know water boils at 212dF and water flashing to steam expands 17,000 Xs!
For the Good of the Craft, Think like Fire, Flow like Gas, Don't be the Marshmallow, as always, your comments and questions are solicited and welcome ! Big AL !