Ten years of living in Costa Rica has arrived me at an idea/inspiration that I would like to bounce off anyone who can offer value. During these ten years I have met very very few foreigners who manage to bring their lifestyle into the realm of Latin American reality....Legally. There is almost always a dependency on foreign tourists/volunteers/students or in my case and that of many more, Working periodically in our
native countries and bringing home the bacon. Yes, there are some who have managed to use their guile to take wealth through real estate activities and/or pseudo legal services. Even these however signify a dependency on the economy of foreign nations as the clients are virtually never
local people with ethical employ.
So how does a foreigner
sustainable grow
roots that bind him/her to the local culture and afford a dignified right livelyhood to his/her family for generations?
Many of us seek to live in small communities becuase the life
experience is very much more real, Natural Life is more accesible and Illth less prolific.
So the concept is this. focus on the businesses that these communities allready CAN support.... Bakery, General Store, Produce vendor, Butcher, Dehydrator for Cafe, Cacao, Grains, Fruits, Meats, Potters, Sawmen, Etc., Etc. and build a single
Wood fired
oven that can afford heat
energy for all of these activities and build the shop spaces as units integrated to the oven with the design of Cooperativing/leasing/selling/ the spaces to the Artisans and Entrepenuers with the design of turning the energy into the seed of true local economy.
The raw materials are virtually free and available in most all areas in Costa Rica... River stone, Clay,
Straw, lime. Greatest costs would be Ironworks, Refractory cement, etc. The most critical elements will be our time and our ingenuity. (pre-fit for boilercondensor for heat absorption?)
If anybody has experience(s) and/or reference material recomendations or any other type of input please pipe up!!!.