This is a topic I have thought about starting for a while. I am currently stuck living in South Texas (sorry if you love the area, but I am not a huge fan) and among the problems that plague every site here is a lack of any form of frost at all. It means that the cabbage and kale here taste awful to me and never manage any form of sweetness if they were grown locally. Since I prefer to eat
local when I can, this has presented a problem for me.
My solution has been to ponder how best to apply the knowledge I gained living in the North as a reverse engineering of the South. In Ohio or Pennsylvania I knew the best ways to keep frost from touching something. Porches were less prone to frost than the open. Low spots collected more cold air and shade is more prone to frost than an exposed area, etc. Taking this knowledge, I have studied the weather this winter and found that frost does occur, but only in certain spots and conditions. I think that if I am still here another year, I am going to apply this to try creating an artificial area of greater frost and using it to 'ripen' cole plants I will grow there.
Another situation is that my eventual hope is to live in Eastern Tennessee. Some areas of TN are heavily coated in Kudzu. Undeniably this is a real problem there. I expect that if I find a site with lots of it, it is going to be a boon for me. First, the price of the
land is going to be far less expensive in my
experience. Second, Kudzu is a very healthy food source for humans, Third, goats absolutely love the stuff, so that makes for ready fodder in a nearly endless supply and a way to make goats into a permanently useful (read nondestructive) part of the homestead even if the size of my acreage is not that large.
In one of the Jeff Lawton videos, a low area prone to flooding was used to grow rice in a location where no one else was growing it. There are all sorts of these situations that might occur! So I would like to hear from others about some of the annoying and problematic aspects of their homesteads that they have found a way to turn into a benefit. Who knows who might find inspiration in your own ingenuity! If you only have the problem and no good use for it yet, post that! Maybe someone can come up with a way to make good use of it.