I typed in a response, then deleted it, the first time you posted--because I didn't have anything incredibly useful to say. But I will try to lay out the issues and questions.
The numbers can range ALL over the map. We literally paid for a logo design with
raw milk barter and the website was pretty stock godaddy templates. We had friends spend 25K on logo and website design. In a double-blind test, you wouldn't know which was which. There is so much good material out there available to anyone on the web that you have to spend a LOT of money to get something that looks better than basic free/included templates.
Do you need photos? Can you DIY photography? We have
enough camera gear to do most of what we need. Photographers can be had cheap or expensive, they can be worth the money--especially if you have a hard subject to shoot, whether that is kids or macro detailed shots. EDIT: YOU can do photography (very well, LOVE the cover shot on the stray arrow page), but am leaving it here for others not gifted in that way.
What style of artwork? You would be amazed what running a picture through a photoshop filter will do, you can turn a picture into tie dye if you want.
The biggest things!
1. Get people who you like their style. Don't get someone "award winning" in an unrelated style and make them do things to your taste, don't get someone that "can do anything." Finding someone who naturally does things the way you want them.
2. THE logo is a one-time deal (hopefully) so a little time and money there is OK, but not too much. You have to spend a LOT of money to get better than free/cheap.
3. Pictures for new products are where you get nickeled and dimed to death, both in money and TIME--waiting an extra month to work into the photog's schedule just doesn't work for timely product releases in some markets.
4. Marketing costs can and will always exceed the budget. So budget what you can afford and stick to it.
5. Publicity is FREE! Proper use of
facebook and blogs are PRICELESS. They add a personal touch to a small business that is impossible for corporations to replicate.