Well timed question. I was just walking my dog under the full moon and looking at an eye high eroding bank. So I will speak now about erosion into the sea. This particular spot is run wild with invasive. The grass may be
native - I'm not sure, it pokes up and grow long tall stalks with soft velvety seed heads - the rest is super thorny. And It has been slipping into the sea about as slowly as possible - which is pretty damn quick.
To give you an Idea of what I was looking at. The topsoil for about 8 inches including a HUGE rock about the size of a large torso was being held up despite having been undercut by about 2 feet. The entire rock was undercut and free hanging supported only by the topsoil. This was tall grass and English ivy. Lots and lots of creeping ivy. There are several small golden chain trees (which came sometime in the distant past of 40 or 50 years ago from the grandaddy of all golden chain here at my place) and way way lots of thorny
rose hips I'm not sure which type. The rose hips and trees where back from the bank by a bit but I imagine their
roots form a matrix most of the way to the bank. In other locations I've seen Himalayan blackberry doing its damnedest.
I'm sure having anything planted which deadens the punch of the rain and slows its soaking into the earth as well as having a good
root system would work to help mitigate erosion. I sure hope we don't need to cover the earth in English Ivy and thorny brambles.
Edit: You changed the content of your post! Now that I re-read it What I describe would probably not be relevant to your situation. Hopefully someone else here has got more
experience in a similar setting!
Edit 2: Re-rereading It I would once again say
: having anything planted which deadens the punch of the rain and slows its soaking into the earth as well as having a good root system would work to help mitigate erosion. this means
thick dense canopy and thick root system even if the canopy is only 6 inches of the ground (like a creeping mat of ivy). Grass and other rhizomorphic roots would strike me as being a decent ticket too