Sam: The drawing and description sound good to me. Still waiting for someone with more experience than myself to confirm that for you..... What do you plan to make your mass thermal mass out of?
You should plan to make an area to catch fly ash
before the exhaust gasses enter the pipe in the mass. The ash pit that you have now will serve to catch ashes right in the fire box but anything that makes it up the chimney will end up in the mass; eventually bogging the system down.
People including myself have ash pits with secondary air feeds. They can be problematic so make sure you search around the forums enough to see what other people have done and what mistakes you can avoid so you dont waste your time and $.
Do you plan to use metal in the heat riser? If you are
please reconsider this as the metal will surely burn out long before you may think. If you search you tube "web4deb" you will see his RMH videos. Look for the RHM autopsy and see exactly what happens to a metal riser.
See if you cant find some old, orange bricks maybe from a clean fill site, old chimneys, old buildings,
local contractors, etc etc. In fact if you search permies for "fake fire bricks" you will happen upon a thread where different bricks are discussed and will be helpful for making a decision. We would always like to use the best materials for optimum performance but we can only do what our resources allow. That being said, spending a little more time now gathering the right materials vs whats immediately on hand will ultimately save you time and money in the future.
People have used waste oil for that specific reason. I am not familiar with the practice enough to comment beyond that. You should make that into a separate thread or use the search to find a relevant thread and leave this thread dedicated to questions regarding the build of your RMH.