It really depends... The satellite services out where I am will
sell a "bigger" package at a higher monthly cost for business users but I don't know if it is actually any faster at downloading. There is recently some optical lines installed along some of these rural hiways so if you are not too far off the main roads that might be available. Like Brett said anything is possible for a price. The cell phone service depends on who's tower is nearest you. Where I am only Verizon will guarantee connectivity - in line of sight with their tower - but most often I am only 1x service though occasionally it goes to 3G (my "old" droid phone). On the other side of the mountains of the mining area is a Sprint tower so people over there use that. There is Cable/DSL in the town proper so if you needed that faster service you would probably not live out here 30 miles from town.
Most towns and communities have some cable and DSL service but it may not extend very far into the "back woods." Satellite can reach anywhere and if your needs can be timed to the lower use periods and you don't mind a higher bill they can probably serve you. Isn't the phone basically a satellite connection through the cell tower rather than the orbiting sat. so would depend on the company and where you set yourself? In the Silver City/Deming corner if you required really fast internet, you would live in the town area. You can still be out side the main bustle and get cable services.
I am interested in what you decided.