This was/is so awesome. I wish I could spend ALL my time just learning
permaculture right now.

So love what you do. Really enjoy hearing you two chat over all of this and the wide ranging of the topics thanks to the Q & A. Lovely, lovely
experience. Also love the diversity of the experience across the world - climate, population density, culture - farmers, urban dwellers, community - all of it. Just love it!!! Also love the idea that we all
should do videos and share them with each other - yes yes yes! Thank YOU SO MUCH! Please do it again, often! Next time I'll get in my questions, too! We are in WET and cold this year SUPER cold and froze up down 3 feet - not seen in 40 years - ah, but the thaw is on now...

Very grateful for the deep quiet of winter and the amazing gorgeous sunshine and warmth and blossoming this week! Glorious.