In this world there is nothing at all... I could see that all the concepts to which I had been clinging, the very notion of existence itself, were empty fabrications.
The last podcast that went out seemed to generate a lot of unsubscribes. So that means that if you are still reading this, you are one of my true peeps. And of all the ways that I have to talk to people, this email thing shows that you trust me with your email address and that you like my stuff enough that you might get one or two things per day from me. I like that. So here is what I'm a-gonna do: to the first person that posts something good in the meaningless drivel forum at, I will send you one huckleberry pie. And, I will send another huckleberry pie to the person that led you to my empire (provided they are signed up for my daily-ish email). That's because I especially like people that direct people to my empire. So go post something good in meaningless drivel. Something about literature, arts, psychology, humor, science, engineering, photography, etc. Post a joke, video, picture, link to an amazing web site .... maybe share a vivid dream, life changes, or an idea that popped into your head about how to make the world a better place.
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
My books, movies, videos, podcasts, events ... the big collection of paul wheaton stuff!
paul wheaton wrote:The last podcast that went out seemed to generate a lot of unsubscribes.
Chris Lumpkin wrote:
I used nothing as the beginning of my permaculture plan. I looked at what I could stop doing, rather than what I could do... I stopped "mowing the lawn", purchased a scythe. When I feel there is too much scything work, I realize - I don't need to use a mower, I just have too much grass! I stopped pulling weeds obsessively, and started eating them. What's wrong with that? NOTHING!
QuickBooks set up and Bookkeeping for Small Businesses and Farms -
Elisabeth Van Camp wrote:Dog gone it. I wanted pie.
I am a woman and I did not listen to the last pod. We were warned it had the scientific names for body parts and as a Nurse I get enough of that. If I haven't perfected my technique by now then I will never learn. To only be fair there should be a podcast on men peeing in the frozen wind or something. Un subscribing is silly. Yes I understand that it really has nothing to do with Permaculture, but that is the fun of this site. You just never know what will happen. So here is my meaningless drivel. Mr Rogers says its OK and we know with his green sweater he is the bomb. ...
bunkie weir wrote:
Elisabeth Van Camp wrote:Dog gone it. I wanted pie.
me too!
Wow that was the most fantastic video ever!! thank you thank you!!![]()
Jocelyn Campbell wrote:
Do followers of Zen practices have heroes? Probably not. Then it's probably a good thing I'm not very Zen, because your comments made you my hero, Chris.
Elisabeth Van Camp wrote:
I wake up in the husp area at the first break of dawn...
An elephant? An actual elephant. Into the apartment. How is the floor still here. Hold this tiny ad:
Willow Feeder movie